Sunday, August 28, 2016

Understanding Shell

Understanding The Shell? Emang, understanding travel malang juanda the Shell hell yah? The brand oli? Hahahahahahahaa ... ... Understanding the Shell here is understanding the Shell in the world of computer operating systems (red: Linux or Unix). Possible for all my brothers who have been steeped in the world of Text-based operating system or the CLI would already know the sense of the Shell. Well, for my brothers who do not know the sense of the Shell, I will discuss my article at this time. Okeh, without further ADO, please read my article regarding the Shell Sense:D

Shell, is the program (command interpreter) that bridges the user by the operating system in this Kernel (the core of the operating system), typically the shell provides a prompt as the user interface, where the user can type the desired commands either internal shell commands (internal command), or the command executable file of the program (external command), in addition it allows user compiled a set of commands in an or several files to be executed as programs (see Understanding Program). (source: UR

Hehehehe, sorry Yes Understanding his Shell from Let the language more effectively and theoretical. Hehehehehee. ... So here goes the tablets ...
On an operating system, certainly we want to do something like would like to make a document of listening to the song through the music player, making an application using the compiler, and others. It's all you start in a command Shell. Generally this is typed in a Shell prompt (see figure).

Well, the above image is an example prompt on my Mandriva Linux. Hehehehe ....
Duh, almost forgot. So the process originally put it this way:

User--> Shell--> operating system (Kernel)--> Output resulting from the Kernel.

An example of this, on the Windows XP operating system, there must be a command prompt (cmd). Well, that is an example of a cmd Shell on Windows. You can type the commands you want there.
Another example is a file that can be executed as the file is formatted. EXE. Well, on the application in Windows, right there tuh .exe files that you can run. That process to run it from the Shell first and then the command will process the Kernel you are running.

Logically gini loh. Suppose you want to send mail. To send it, via your mailbox (Shell). Then the letter was in the mail box will be taken and will be processed by the postman (Kernel) and then sent to the address you want to go (the output resulting from the Kernel).

Shell on Linux or Unix there are an assortment of its kind. Such as:

sh (Bourne Shell)
bash (Bourne again shell)
Korn, and so on.

Each type of Shell has drawbacks and advantages of each. Adjusted on your needs only. On Linux, type Shell that is often used is the bash Shell. Because the commandments are powerful and is also used by many people so that support for the bash shell is widely available and the bash shell is always updated. For the tutorial learning bash shell, you can visit UR

So essentially, this Shell is used as a bridge between the user and Kernel to get the results or output that you want.

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